RESCUE's Equipment Trailer Stolen

"Ginger" and "Ale" last Summer at Mule Creek Maximum Security Prison
Here is the special bulletin that Susan sent out:
Dear Prayer Team,
I just received a call from Jason Overstreet who asked me to send out an emergency prayer bulletin.
The RESCUE trailer has been stolen; not only was the trailer itself stolen, but it contained RESCUE's entire sound system and CD product inventory. A police report has been filed.
Immediate prayer is needed for:
*RESCUE's short-term sound needs for their remaining concerts beginning with the concert on Sunday 11/27/05 through the end of the year. At this time, RESCUE will need to rely on the sound system at each venue they perform at.
*A long-term solution for sound.
*Peace of mind for RESCUE as they continue their desire to serve the Lord with everything they have to give, despite this setback. Please pray against discouragement.
Thank you for your prayers mighty prayer warriors!
Susan Ward
Prayer Team Leader
RESCUE Ministries
I am so sorry guys, I know this is frustrating. Are there any updates? I have told many friends across the nation to pray, and they are. I am praying that Rescue's ministry is bigger than "stuff", I know God is!
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