Stories From Sunset Presbyterian

A shot of the santuary at Sunset Presbyterian
Dear Prayer Team,
We had an outstanding evening at Sunset Presbyterian. "Mac" asked me to sing a song with my guitar at the beginning and then he and a couple of excellent acoustic guitar player/singers performed a beautiful worship set with the theme: "We are very safe in God's hands".
"Mac" took great joy in introducing RESCUE and went down the list of funny names that different emcees had called us in the past. We've been called: "The Rescue Team", "WWW Dot Rescue Dot Com", "Rapture", and my personal favorite, "Revenge". No joke! So after he mentioned all of that to the delight of the audience, he brought us out. What a responsive group of people! I must admit that I was a bit nervous to be singing in such a large church because of the reverberation of the sound as it bounces around a large place like that, but after we started our set, it all just went away and we were able to really focus on delivering the message that we came there to deliver.
Afterwards, I met a lot of wonderful people, many of whom were prayer team members. I met about 20 or so kids who wanted me to talk like a duck to them I met Allison McKenny's mom and dad (I even met one of her grade-school teachers!) but I also heard a couple of stories from some people who have been greatly effected by this ministry that I thought I should pass along to you.
First, I met a guy who had some sort of cast or brace on his arm and seemed to have some neurological damage. As he came up to me I could see that he had been touched emotionally by the program. He said that he had been going through such an incredibly difficult year, and he motioned toward his arm. Then he said that he was thankful for the ministry of RESCUE as it had really helped to support his walk. He just threw his arms around my neck and gave me a big ol' hug!
Secondly, I don't know if you remember on the RESCUE web site that for a long time there was a newsletter on there about the time when RESCUE sang for President George Bush. In the sidebar there was a reprint of a letter that was sent by a man who had a brother who was being sent to jail. The song "In My Darkest Hour" was an extreme comfort to him during that very difficult time. I had the opportunity to meet him at the product table after the program, and he was very excited to meet us and to be able to talk to Jason Overstreet. But, an even greater surprise was yet to come. He introduced me to the man who was standing beside him the whole time that we talked and said, "You know my brother who I talked about being in jail? Well, this is him!"
I was thrilled and overwhelmed to be able to shake his hand, and as I did he looked me in the eye and said, "Your voices have been a real comfort to me and have touched me in ways I didn't think possible. Thank you so much!"
I don't know how it was possible that I was given the honor of having that conversation with them, but All I can say is, "Thank you Jesus!"
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