Men's Round Up and Doreen's Letter

Dear Prayer Team,
*Note: Because of my crazy schedule, we have decided to change the day ofthe week that the prayer bulletin is sent out. Instead of Wednesday evenings, Susan will send them out on Thursday evenings. Thanks for your patience.
We had such a wonderful weekend being fed with the Word, having such amazing and responsive audiences, and meeting so many encouraging people! Dustin andI were talking about how wonderful it is that God is allowing us to minister while at the same time bringing us into situations where we get to hear such wonderful preaching that seems to go right to the heart of our personal walk with Jesus. I can't even describe how overwhelmed I was by the response of the men at the Men's Roundup. I really feel like we encouraged many in their faith.
I'd like to share a wonderful little story that Doreen shared with us. She is trying to set up a mini-tour in the Baker City, Oregon area because there is an opportunity to minister in a prison there. She got word of this opportunity when the chaplain from the prison contacted her because a particular inmate kept asking him if he'd ask RESCUE to come to the prison. The chaplain was a bit skeptical and wondered if RESCUE would be relevant to the younger inmates there. Doreen talked to him for 10 minutes about past concerts that RESCUE had done that ministered to young people, and she sent him the "Live" DVD. When it arrived the young inmates that work in the chaplain's office played the DVD all day long!! That was all he needed to see. He is very excited to see us come and minister to the inmates there. Pray for us as we try to book other dates around that area so that we can pay for the gas and the many other costs of taking a trip like that.
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