Thursday, March 30, 2006

New Arrangements and Studio Time

During the last week or two Jason has been able to spend some very concentrated time arranging our new song, "He Won't Let You Fall From His Hands". Jason, Steve and I went to the studio last night to record a demo of the song so that Jason can make some decisions about different ideas that he has for it (mainly how to divide up he and Dustin's parts). As the guy who wrote this particular song and has been waiting about 10 years to hear it recorded, I could not be more excited! As we rehearse, as the new arrangements come together, and as the album project starts picking up steam we are very humbled by what God is putting together.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

RESCUE Gets a Sponsor!

Well, we decided that we are going to go with in-ear monitors rather than the on-stage wedge monitors.

Now, the HUGE PRAISE: At Riverbend Church in Austin, TX, Jason Overstreet made contact with a guitarist for George Strait's band named Jeff Sturms. He is also a band leader and producer.

Jeff Sturms, from "The Ace In The Hole Band", George Straight's famous road band

He talked with the companies that he deals with when buying in-ear monitor equipment to see if he could get some kind of discount for us, or even a sponsorship. Because of Jeff's help we are going to get the body packs at a great discount; but when he talked with Martin Audiology (a company who makes earmolds and is a dealer for Westone products) and gave them a RESCUE cd, they decided to fully sponsor us for our headphones and earpieces. These are top-of-the-line in-ear monitors (ES3's) which would easily cost $900 apiece!

The ES3 In-Ear Monitors

What a stunning blessing from God! We are so grateful for Jeff's help and Martin Audiology for this incredible gift to RESCUE. Martin Audiology is also talking about booking a couple of RESCUE concerts in their area!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

RESCUE's First Concert With Steve

RESCUE sings at Monmouth Christian Church

Last Friday afternoon we piled in our cars and headed for Monmouth. I had Dustin Will and Tim Lewis in my rig while Steve and Over rode together with all of the equipment. Over remembered something he needed to pick up and had to go back to the office, but after they fought through traffic we finally met up in Salem and headed for Monmouth Christian Church.

We got there a little late and had to rush to get things set up and sound checked, but we made it. We were having some sound issues that bothered all of us but REALLY effected the bass' ability to hear himself, but these were pretty much ironed out at the last minute. This was not an ideal way for Steve to start his first concert experience with RESCUE but he handled himself very well. Once our part of the program came and we got up on stage we all just focused on our objective: "Lifting His Name in Harmony."

We sent our lyrics and some of our other more scripted stuff to the church during the week before the rehearsal so that the people who were signing from a step by the stage for the hearing impaired could have some chance to prepare. That was pretty neat to see!

RESCUE sings So Excited as woman signs for the hearing impaired

I am glad to say that although Steve has only been with us a couple of weeks he had very few problems during the concert and he even had enough presence of mind to ham it up on the comedy stuff!

Steve's big finish!

After the concert we stood and chatted with the folks who came by the table. Afterwards Steve said, "Brian, you know? It's almost more fun talking to people after the concert than the actual concert!"

I think Steve is going to do JUST fine! :-)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

On The Eve Of Steve's First Concert

Dear Prayer Team,

As I sit at my computer, the day before our first concert with Steve as our bass, and think about the things God has done and is doing in RESCUE, I have difficulty finding the right words to express the profound truths that God has been teaching us through this process.

When we found out at the end of last year that our dear brothers Joshua and Luke were moving along to other things, something inside of me wanted to panic. But I have to tell you, God quickly gave me a strong sense of His peace that it would all work out for His glory. After talking with Jason and Dustin, in their own personal way they had a similar thing happen. Our strength was first in the assurance that God had given us and secondly, it was in the bond that God had given the three of us that let us know that we weren't alone. We walked for the next few months in a solid sense of faith that God was going to show us the way. The fact that Steve has now joined us is only the final evidence of what God was assuring us of the entire time. It never felt like a matter of "if" but of "when". The fact that God brought us someone of Steve's caliber may be God's way of letting us know that when we hold fast to Him through faith, he will bless us even more than we could have hoped for.

It occurs to me that this is a biblical model of how God has worked throughout the ages. He loves it when his children, when confronted with a situation or circumstances that could spell disaster, display faith instead of fear; and He LOVES to save the day. It also occurs to me that I have run in fear more times than I have responded in faith. How many times are we confronted with this choice in our daily lives? How many times do we run to worldly solutions when all God wants for us is to believe Him to be who He says He is and watch Him work miraculously in difficult or even impossible circumstances.

"'I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices.'" (Ps. 81:10-12)

Here's my sincere prayer for all of us: Lord, I pray that we would see the events of our lives through eyes of faith. If we have grown callused to Your way of doing things and if we've forgotten how great You are, please awaken us to a fresh understanding of the privilege it is to know and be known by such a wonderful and caring Father. You are powerful to save and faithful to forgive. Remind us to stir up our faith and to be ready to watch You work.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

RESCUE Welcomes Steve Cross As Our New Bass

Dear Prayer Team,

PRAISE GOD!! It's finally happened! I got the "go ahead" from Over and I am SO happy to announce that our bass search has finally come to an end. God has provided RESCUE with an amazingly talented bass singer. He's 27 years old, his name is Steve Cross, and he's married to Audra who is also a talented singer. He works with two Christian friends in a fledgling mortgage company that they all started together and he has the flexibility to go whenever RESCUE needs him. He also went to school for graphic design and could be of great help to us on that front. Audra is a hairstylist who really enjoys her work, is excited to be a part of the RESCUE family and was very quick to tell us that she'd be happy to be involved wherever she's needed. They make their home and go to church in Vancouver, Washington where they have done lots of music ministry together.

Steve is a really quick study. He has played piano since he was a child, he plays guitar, bass guitar and his primary instrument has been the drums. The night we got together with him for the audition, incredibly, he was blending with the group like he was an old pro. He is beginning to learn all of our current repertoire and we are confident that he'll be up to full speed in no time.

Musical talent aside, he had exactly the heart we were looking for. He is a deeply committed Christian who desires to be a blessing, in whichever capacity God sees fit to use him. We all agreed the night we first met him that he just seems to fit the personality of the group. It will be our pleasure to get to know he and his wife during the coming years.

Over and RESCUE's new bass, Steve Cross working on the bass line

Last Sunday evening we had our first official rehearsal with Steve we met up with Steve over at his church in Vancouver where he was helping with their Sunday evening program and we followed him over to Audra's parents' home nearby. Her parents are such sweet people and made us feel right at home. We took the grand tour and then we practiced in their entryway where they keep their piano.

Dustin, Over and Steve rehearsing

We had a great time and the couple of hours we spent there went by very quickly! It is such a joy to be back in a regular schedule of practice with the guys again. Steve is making this process so easy! He comes very prepared and has such good pitch and a voice that blends easily with the rest of us. It doesn't seem like we're breaking in a new bass as much as it seems like we're just getting together and having a blast singing! I looked over at Steve and he said, "Man! This is FUN!" I wholeheartedly agreed!

Steve, having fun

I really feel we're in a mindset of constant thankfulness because God has shown us again his desire to provide for us! It's not like we don't have any problems in our lives that frustrate us, but it makes it all sweeter knowing that God is in control and that as we submit our lives wholly to Him, he gives us peace that he's working out the details.

It's Oregon, It's March, and It's SNOWING?

I know, I know! It may not seem that strange to people in other parts of the country but it was pretty shocking (in a good way) for us to wake up to snow this morning. Down in the valley where we live, much to my children's chagrin, there wasn't enough snow for our school district to close the schools (it doesn't take much), but other districts nearby did close. On my way to work I travel over a couple of hills as you may remember from other posts. The snow was WAY deeper up there, so I thought I'd post a few cell phone pictures of it.