Christ's Example: Obedience
Dear Prayer Team,
During the last few weeks we've been practicing on Sunday nights at
Steve's church in Vancouver. We've really been digging into the work
of rehearsing our current songs and learning new music. Over is
pretty much finished with the arrangement of the song, "He Won't Let You Fall". We've recorded an all vocal rough draft of it for Over to
do some final arrangement edits on, and we're in the process of
learning our parts. We're hoping to be able to sing it in our
concerts at the end of the month.
We are so thrilled to get back to doing concerts on a regular basis.
Starting at the end of this month we'll be singing at least one
concert a week! God is really blessing Doreen's booking efforts!
At my church we've been celebrating "Passion Week", a nightly
gathering to remember the significant things that happened every day from Palm Sunday to Jesus' resurrection. Jesus held so firmly to the
hope for mankind and the love that He has for each of us that He
obeyed even to death. In my daily Bible study I am learning about
obedience and that after God reveals what it is that I need to do, be
it shunning a particular sin, or coming along side His work in some
way, there will inevitably be a crisis of belief. What it can feel
like is, "Are you sure that I am big enough for this task Lord!" but,
truly, it is more a statement of what we believe about God himself.
Is God true to His word? Is He big enough to work through our weak
humanity? Will He lead us into an unfruitful life?
Obeying God always leads us towards self-denial, and a life that
glorifies God. There's not a whole lot of room for self-preservation
and self-promotion in a life of true service to him. We must be able
to pursue and lay hold of the hope that Jesus gives us, that He will
be glorified in our lives and others will come into relationship with
Him. We must be able to pray the prayer that Jesus prayed in the
garden of Gethsemane:
"nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."
(Matthew 26:39b KJV)
It is our sincere hope as you celebrate Easter this year, that you,
your friends and family will be drawn closer to Jesus and each other.