Aldersgate, Tim Lewis
Saturday Night (3/1) we took a trip down to Turner, Oregon and sang at Aldersgate Conference Center. We had a great time doing praise and worship along with a concert for a men’s retreat there. We got a great response from the guys at the CD table afterwards and I was able to chat with several people who were extremely moved and encouraged in the Lord during the concert. We chatted at length with some of the guys after the concert and safely got to our homes at around midnight.
One of the highlights for me was that since our sound tech, Will, was sick tonight and Mike Zumstein was out of town, we had the privilege of having Tim Lewis join us, just like old times. Brandon had never met Tim, who has done sound for us a lot in the past and is a gem of a Christian brother, so he was quite happy to meet him at last. Brandon discovered what we’ve all discovered; Tim Lewis is a great guy to work with and such a kind, gentle soul. Brandon said, “I’d love to spend some more time with that guy!”
Isn’t it wonderful to know Christian brothers and sisters whose attitude and actions just seem to refresh others? I feel convicted to ask myself questions like these:
How many times do I let opportunities to bless others go by when all that was needed was a word or a small kindness?
What can I do this week to be a blessing to others and to show the love of Jesus through my life?
What are practical ways I can let people know my appreciation for them and let them know that there is a God that loves them and that I love them too?
Lord, help us all to stir up the faith to allow your love to be expressed through us as we give, love and serve others in the coming days.