In The Park With Michelle Tumes

Dear Prayer Team,
What a weekend we had! Three outdoor concerts in two days! We knew it was goingto be a hot, sunny weekend in Vancouver so we donned the gray pants and black shirts (wow, the black shirt was not helping us to feel cooler that's for sure), I slathered a bunch of SPF 180 sunblock on my dome and we dove in! We asked for prayer for the stamina to be able to minister effectively all weekend, and I've got to say, besides Josh coming down with a fever with a temperature of 101 degrees (he's already pretty much recovered), God brought us through it with great energy and good attitudes. It always helps when you are singing for such helpful, and wonderful host churches and organizations.
Friday night was a really wonderful time as we had dinner over at Luke's place.The Zevenbergens, a really wonderful family of long-term Prayer Team members from the Sacramento area, are moving to the Great Lakes region and had a stop over that night. Luke's family welcomed them to stay with them and we had a nice evening visiting and singing a little mini-concert around an outdoor fire pit. The whole RESCUE crew was there. I brought my wife and three kids with me. Mac and his precious family were there too. It was an extremely beautiful night, and it was great to fellowship with such amazingly sweet people, plus we needed some R & R before the weekend ahead.
There were many highlights this weekend and I met many prayer team members at the concert venues. One of the things that sticks out to me was the concert on Saturday night in a beautiful park on a large gazebo/stage. We sang at the end of a full day of different Christian artists' called the "Summer Concert Series". Michelle Tumes was on right before us, which was personally a real thrill for me. I guess I had sort of thought that people would clear out after her concert, but they stayed and we had one of our best concerts.
After everyone had just about gone home and we were just about to start packing up and heading home, we stood talking to people under the tent where our table was. We performed a song for some friends that had shown up late and missed our first song (So Excited). One member had to leave for a wedding reception just minutes before, so Tim Lewis kindly stepped in to fill the part. Out of my peripheral vision I kept seeing a woman to my right and behind me moving around the whole time and I couldn't actually turn to see what was happening, but after we were through with the song, I found out that she was signing the words we sang to a deaf Christian woman that was there at the park. She seemed to be extremely blessed by the words. Then, the lady who was signing asked Josh if he'd let the woman hold her hand to his back so that she could feel the depth of his voice. The woman was blown away by how low he was singing! I came away from the whole experience feeling very happy to be in a place where I could see the power of the Word of God through song even when the tune could not be heard!
Thank you SO much for your prayers. It is obvious to us that your prayers are making a huge difference!
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