A Successful Texas Trip!
Dear Prayer Team,
We are back from the sunny South! We had such a wonderful time as we sang at the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) convention in Galveston, Texas, and also as we sang Sunday morning at the two services at Riverbend Church in Austin, Texas. We were so happy to have Luke and Joshua join us for the six days trip, and we feel very grateful to them for sharing their talents with us again. Tim Lewis came with us and ran sound too. I just have to tell you, if you've never met Tim Lewis, he is perhaps the kindest, gentlest and most likeable soul that I have ever met. Truly a gem!
The flight to Texas, for us five Oregonians, was a very bumpy one, punctuated (quite suddenly) during the landing procedure by a rather sick passenger across the aisle from us. I'll spare you the details.
We rode in a shuttle bus from Houston to Galveston and when we pulled up to the Moody Gardens Hotel, we saw these three amazing glass pyramid shaped buildings! The hotel and convention facilities were on the same lot with an entertainment plaza with an IMAX theater and an indoor Garden. It was a bit overcast, but at 60 or 65 degrees it felt almost balmy compared to Oregon! We set up our sound system in the main hall and our product table along with all of the other booths. Late that night, Joshua got into town and we were SO happy to see him again! He's been enjoying his busy schedule going to school, working at Sam's Club, and getting involved in campus activities, ESPECIALLY now that he is near Mandy and his family again!

The Pyramids at Moody Gardens, Galveston Texas
Early the next morning we did a final sound check and we sang in the opening meeting of the convention at about 9:00. When we got back to the booth we were inundated with people who wanted to bring RESCUE CD's back to their schools, churches and homes. After a while it started to slow down and we traded off time at the booth. Luke was dying for a trip to Chik-Fil-A (we don't have them in Oregon) but there were no restaurants like that nearby, so he, Tim and Joshua drew up a little sign asking - no - begging for someone with a car to take them to a Chik-Fil-A. I don't think anyone gave in to their sign or their sad eyes. I had such a good time at the product table that day just chatting with people who happened by. It helps me to see the impact of this ministry when I can really talk with people and find out where they are coming from.
That afternoon we performed a full concert and the response was incredible. God truly blessed our time there. We were really hoping to be an encouragement to Christian teachers because we understand how difficult it must be to try to help children to go against the cultural flow, day in, and day out. Most of the members of RESCUE have gone to Christian schools at some point in their education. Jason's parents are both educators! I can't imagine a group of people more deserving of some time out to listen to some music and to hear how appreciated they are.
The next morning, Friday, we got up bright and early, we sang a few more songs, and then we took shifts at the product table till late afternoon. it was a beautiful day and the sun was shining! That night we rested up for our airplane ride to Austin the next afternoon. My feet were KILLING me!
Dustin had been feeling kind of sick all weekend and was in bed around 8:00 almost every night, and since we're the snorers of the group and room together a lot, I went to Jason's room with my guitar and played while he was out of the room. I started getting an idea for a song just about the time he came back in the room and I hoped that I'd remember it the next day.
Saturday was a travel day, we had another fairly bumpy ride to Austin and that night after dinner I started to work on my song again. Praise GOD! I was able to remember it and after I talked with Dustin about the bridge of the song for a while, I finished it that night! I went to the Lobby and shared it with Jason and Joshua as they chatted and I got the thumbs up from both of them. We think it will be on the next RESCUE album!!!

RESCUE gets ready for sound check at Riverbend
Sunday morning, up and at 'em early again, and off to Riverbend. What an amazing building and such sweet people! After our set up and sound check, their make-up lady marched us to the chairs and she covered us in make-up for the TV cameras (I of course needed more help than she had time to give). We then waited for our cue. We did one song at the beginning of service and then two after the praise and worship right before the message. We had a little stage monitor feedback problem, but overall it went well! We went to the table to meet people and we had several people tell us that they are really hoping that we can do a full concert in their area sometime soon. We'd LOVE to!

At the end of services at Riverbend the curtains open, letting sunlight fill the sanctuary
After service we went to our favorite barbecue place in Texas (Rudy's) and had a great time! We went back to the hotel, and soon afterwards Joshua headed back home. We watched the Superbowl in our hotel rooms Sunday night (we were really hoping for the Seahawks!) and Monday afternoon we spent some time at a local mall, went to the airport, headed to Houston and on to Oregon.
We had such a great time and I am constantly SO blessed by the fact that I get to travel with such great guys. We are also reminded often of the prayer support we have that makes trips like this one SO productive and encouraging. Thank you SO much!
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