RESCUE at the Portland Convention Center
Last Friday night we had a great time at the beautiful facitilies at the Portlan Convention center, Portland Ballroom. It was a HUGE room but the sound was amazingly good considering the challenges. We were singingfor the 61st NW District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Convention. We were very well taken care of and I finally had the opportunity to hear Guy Doud speak. He has been on Christian radio shows like Focus On The Family for years. He was awarded, "Teacher Of The Year" in 1986 by President Reagan, and has spoken all over the world since then. He is a very inspirational speaker especially on the subject of children and being godly examples and teachers to them whether formally or just in our daily contact with the children in our lives. If you ever have the chance to hear him speak, I would encourage you to do so.

RESCUE, at the Portland Convention Center for the 61st NW District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Convention
We do a lot of concerts under very different circumstances and nothing much surprises us, but it was a very happy surprise for us that we had 3 or 4 tables of physically and mentally handicapped young adults right in front of the stage. I believe they were from a local organization that helps them which is supported by the NW District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. They were very expressive and were always clapping when it was time to clap and were very happy to sing along with us. It was very nice to know that they really enjoyed their evening with us. The joy on their faces was unmistakable and it spread to everyone who was near to them. We were very blessed to be a part of it.
Brian, it is so good to see that you and Kim are both doing well. Tony and I have been praying for you guys for a long time. We are really happy to see that you are still doing the music that you love and are so good at. Praise God!
It is SO great to hear from you! Kim and I often think about you guys and wonder how you are doing! I hope you are all well.
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