Saturday, July 22, 2006

Your Story: The Key to Comfort, Witness, Worship

Dear Prayer Team,

It’s been a busy couple of weeks at RESCUE! We have been learning lots of new music in preparation for the album and our week at Cannon Beach, and we have been spending some serious time at NorthStar Recording Studio working on the album. As always, we face challenges, but God is good and is helping us through them, as He has SO many times before!

In examining my own faith this week I realized something about Jesus that I have never realized so fully, or so personally until the last two years: He is my rock!

I am coming to lean on His strength without the fear I once struggled with, but not because I am such a wonderful person who has been so “in touch” with God. Far from it! It’s because in my weakest moments I have seen with my own eyes the works of the master!

It isn’t until we face our own Red Sea that we can truly see the deliverance of God! I can read all day that He is a strong tower, but until I am in need of His shelter I will never truly grasp the wondrous nature of His loving protection. How can I value the fact that Jesus is the peace in the storm if I have never sat, swamped in the midst of the buffeting waves.

This is the great comfort of my life: I was completely and utterly lost, but HE found me! My life was a chorus of disjointed and random sounding trumpet blasts and screeching reeds and HE made a symphony, bringing it all into His order!

Not at all consequently, this is also where our dynamic witness to others lies. The blind man boldly told the religious establishment how Jesus healed him. The lame man jumped around and made a general ruckus in a public place in praise to the Healer that healed him. The woman at the well made a huge impact on her community after she talked to the one who truly knew her heart and offered her Living Water.

This is true worship! We don’t need to work up the emotions. We don’t need to make the story of our life more dramatic than it really is. We simply need to draw near to Him and see for ourselves what a marvelous Savior He is, and when we truly see it for ourselves, we’ll have no problem sharing it with the world around us!


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Pyrl said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement. Truly, in our desperation in times of difficulty we can lean on and know for certain He is there for us in every way. See you all in Bothell this week.

Thanks again!!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Brian said...

We are looking very forward to it!



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