Phoenix Part 1, Battleground PRC and Winterhawks!
Dear Prayer Team,
Four of us flew home from Phoenix on October 6th (Dustin, Steve, our sound tech Will, and I). Unfortunately, Jason Overstreet had to drive the trailer with our sound equipment and CD’s to and from Phoenix. What a trooper!
We had an amazing time ministering to an ACSI convention (Association of Christian Schools International). As you can imagine, teachers are uniquely ready for some uplifting music and an encouraging word. We just loved talking with them afterwards and getting to know some of them. We were also blessed to be able to listen in on their main speaking sessions.
Of particular impact to me were the sessions by Dr. J.P. Moreland, professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He was speaking about how worldly philosophies have changed the meaning of the word happiness to mean "a sense of pleasurable satisfaction". The definition throughout ancient writings has always been more akin to this, "A life well lived, a life of virtue and character, a life that manifests wisdom, kindness, and goodness." This definition of happiness, when lived, brings about a deep sense of well-being, but J.P. Moreland says that this is not to be confused with the unstable, fleeting, enslaving, empty, self-absorbed life that the pursuit of the post-modern version of "happiness" brings. He expounded on the far-reaching implications of this paradigm shift in our value system, and I was moved to learn more about this pervasive philosophy.

Dr. J.P Moreland
I quickly bought two of his books: "Love Your God With All Your Mind", and his current book, "The Lost Virtue of Happiness".
Yes, of course I got them signed!
We met many people who were moved by the ministry of RESCUE. One teacher told us that our concert was the highlight of the conference for her. We were very happy to be able to be a blessing to the people who are really on the cultural "front lines". Please pray for the thousands of Christian educators who have devoted their lives to providing kids a spiritually healthy education.
On Thursday, October 12th, RESCUE sang at a benefit banquet for the Battleground, Washington Pregnancy Resource Center. We are so humbled to be a part of such a wonderful and loving effort to honor God. These centers encourage and serve future mothers in an effort to give them the support they need to be able make the right decision and ultimately bring their babies to full-term. I was particularly encouraged by one of the organizer’s husband’s who told me that RESCUE’s part in these types of events means a great deal to them, and is an important piece of the puzzle.
On Friday October 13th RESCUE had the real treat of singing the U.S. and Canadian National Anthems for our local hockey team, the Portland Winter Hawks. Over, Steve and I were joined by former RESCUE member "Mac", as he was filling in for Dustin for the evening. It was great to finally get to sing with him! Doreen and her husband Dallas were there for the game and I was able to bring my wife, Kimberly, and our three kids to the hockey game. The announcer, who is a professed supporter of RESCUE, invited my children down to the booth and gave them cold hockey pucks, right off of the ice! They were SO excited! It was a really wonderful night.

RESCUE, on the ice with guest singer Jason "Mac", singing the Canadian and United States national anthems for the Portland Winterhawks.
We heard a really encouraging report at this week’s Prayer Team meeting about the fact that our doing something as simple as the national anthems is having a possible impact on some people who would normally be closed to listening to a Christian group and are now contemplating coming to a concert at a local church! We LOVE it!
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